Rants and Raves of an American Mom

November 11, 2009

Lose 10-20 lbs during the holidays?!


Read what Sherry Brescia, author of GREAT TASTE NO PAIN has to say about a common problem of weight gain during the holiday season...

Take off 10-20 pounds during holidays
November is here, and that means the holiday season is
fast approaching.

It's a time to show caring, charity, generosity, and
kindness to our fellow humans.

It's also a time for FOOD, glorious food!  All those get-
togethers, dinners and parties with all that delicious

...and for many people, that means packing on the pounds.

Sadly, I've heard scores of people say they dread the
approach of the holidays because they know they'll put on
weight and have trouble taking it off.

Know what?

It doesn't have to be that way.

It IS possible to maintain a consistent weight even
through the holidays.

You see, when you have doable standards for eating that
you will not break and live every day feeding your body the
way it was designed to be fed, excess pounds are never,
ever an issue. 

Here's why:

Your body is alkaline by design.  All of your organs and
systems work their best (perfectly, actually) in an
alkaline environment. 

When your body is too acidic, it doesn't function properly
and it begins to literally break down and fall apart.  And
you get pain, sickness, disease and...obesity.

So if you are hurting, sick or overweight, you are acidic. 


Eating 50-70+% alkaline foods and combining your foods in
the way that keeps digestive acid low is the key to
holidays (and every day) without extra poundage. 

When you eat foods that are digested with complimentary
enzymes in the stomach, digestion is a snap and your food
glides through the intestines smoothly. 

No more toxic waste build-up.

No constipation

No bloating. 

This means a trimmer, sexier you.

Plus, when you don't have overproduction of acid in your
stomach, you'll absorb more of the nutrients from your
foods, so you'll only feel hungry when you need more
nutrients, not when your stomach is empty.

In Great Taste No Pain, I'll show you the foods to eat and
the combinations to eat them in so you can feel good at
your ideal weight.  You can get it here: 



Hear remarkable success stories where people have lost so
many inches off their entire bodies it's just astounding:




When correctly combining your foods is your way of life,
you CAN indulge in a dessert, some eggnog or other pleasure
and not worry about packing on pounds. 

I NEVER deprive myself on special occasions or holidays.
I’m looking forward to the Thanksgiving pumpkin pie and
Christmas cookies already.

But because it’s a once in a while thing, not an every day
thing, I’ll weight the same on January 1st as I do now.   

Treat your body right 12 months a year and it will return
the favor with health, energy and forgiveness for your

Get Great Taste No Pain now–just in time for the holidays-


To your health,
Sherry Brescia


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